Room Occupancy Rate in Sulawesi Tenggara province in December 2015 recorded 51.87 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Buton Selatan Regency

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Room Occupancy Rate in Sulawesi Tenggara province in December 2015 recorded 51.87 percent

Release Date : February 1, 2016
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Room occupancy rate (ROR ) Hotel in Sulawesi Tenggara province in December 2015 recorded 51.87 percent , or decreased by 9.00 point compared to November 2015 ROR recorded 60.87 percent .

Beds Hotel Utilization Rate in December 2015 recorded 50.67 percent, decreased  9.40 points from the month of November 2015 recorded 60.07 percent .

The average length of stay of foreign and domestic Hotel in Sulawesi Tenggara province in December 2015 was 1.56 days and decreased to 0.49 days when compared to November 2015 recorded 2.05 days.

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