Export value of Southeast Sulawesi in January 2019 was recorded at US $ 108.71 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Buton Selatan Regency

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Export value of Southeast Sulawesi in January 2019 was recorded at US $ 108.71 million

Release Date : March 1, 2019
File Size : 0.64 MB


The export value of Southeast Sulawesi in January 2019 was recorded at US $ 108.71 million or an increase of 16.34 percent compared to December 2018 exports which was recorded at US $ 93.44 million. Meanwhile, the export volume in January 2019 was recorded at 1,177.14 thousand tons or an increase of 51.22 percent compared to December 2018 exports which recorded 778.43 thousand tons.
  • The total export of Southeast Sulawesi during 2019 (January 2019) reached 1,177.14 thousand tons or worth US $ 108.71 million.
  • The import value of Southeast Sulawesi in January 2019 was recorded at US $ 30.43 million or decreased by 62.47 percent compared to the December 2018 import which was recorded at US $ 81.07 million. While the import volume in January 2019 was recorded at 38.99 thousand tons or decreased by 38.99 percent compared to the December 2018 imports recorded at 68.54 thousand tons.
  • The total imports of Southeast Sulawesi in 2019 (January 2019) reached 38.99 thousand tons or worth US $ 30.43 million.

  • Badan Pusat Statistik

    BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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