TPK Hotel in Southeast Sulawesi in November 2019 fell 2.41 points - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Buton Selatan Regency

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TPK Hotel in Southeast Sulawesi in November 2019 fell 2.41 points

Release Date : January 2, 2020
File Size : 1.23 MB


  • ·         The Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) of Star Hotels in Southeast Sulawesi Province in November 2019 was recorded at 45.17 percent or decreased by 2.41 points compared to the TPK of October 2019 which was recorded at 47.58 percent.
  • ·         Rate of Usage of Star Hotels in November 2019 was recorded at 53.66 percent or down 13.33 points compared to October 2019 which was 66.99 percent.
  • ·         The average length of stay of foreign and domestic (domestic) Star Hotels in Southeast Sulawesi Province in November 2019 was 1.51 days or decreased by 0.63 points when compared to October 2019 which recorded 2.14 days.
  • ·         Percentage of comparison between foreign guests and domestic (domestic) Star Hotels in Southeast Sulawesi Province in November 2019 recorded 99.59 percent were domestic (domestic) guests and the remaining 0.41 percent were foreign guests, or a shift of 0.21 points.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Buton Selatan

(BPS-Statistics of Buton Selatan Regency)

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