Southeast Sulawesi's exports in November 2019 decreased by 56.79 percent. Meanwhile, imports in November 2019 rose 68.10 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Buton Selatan Regency

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Southeast Sulawesi's exports in November 2019 decreased by 56.79 percent. Meanwhile, imports in November 2019 rose 68.10 percent

Release Date : January 2, 2020
File Size : 0.96 MB


  • Southeast Sulawesi's export value in November 2019 was recorded at US $ 121.78 million or decreased by 56.79 percent compared to October 2019's exports which was recorded at US $ 281.84 million. Meanwhile, the export volume in November 2019 was recorded at 1,195.97 thousand tons or decreased by 67.59 percent compared to October 2019 exports which recorded 3,690.10 tons.
  • Southeast Sulawesi's total exports during January-November 2019 reached 14,129.21 thousand tons or US $ 1,669.77 million.
  • The value of Southeast Sulawesi imports in November 2019 was recorded at US $ 341.77 million, an increase of 68.10 percent compared to October 2019 imports which were recorded at US $ 203.32 million. Meanwhile, import volume in November 2019 was recorded at 1,707.17 thousand tons or an increase of 574.83 percent compared to imports in October 2019 which recorded 252.98 thousand tons.
  • Southeast Sulawesi's total imports from January to November 2019 reached 3,309.96 thousand tons or US $ 1,328.34 million.
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